
Bridge Housing CEO John Nicolades gave a staff presentation today on how he copes with stress and how we are building a resilient workplace that supports staff wellbeing.

At a Mental Health Month morning tea, he acknowledged: “All sorts of things can happen in a business that works with vulnerable people, changes to business systems can create stress for staff, and employees in all workplaces carry their personal stress into work.”

“I deal with stress by making sure I have a walk every morning, by developing my innate optimism and keeping a sense of perspective, and by sharing problems with my partner, friends or counselling services,” John said.   

Bridge Housing is developing a Mental Health Policy, with the support of the Black Dog Institute at the University of NSW, which will be finalised in 2018-19.

Our Total Rewards package for staff offers benefits to support their mental wellbeing including massages, reflexology and access to six free EAP counselling services. Bridge Housing’s Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) also measures staff wellbeing.

Home page photo: John lets his quirky sense of humour loose on the morning tea!