Redfern Place
Elizabeth Street Redfern is destined to be a blueprint for future inner-city social and affordable developments. In a milestone for New South Wales, we are the first Community Housing Provider to lead a large-scale government development.
Bridge’s vision will deliver over 350 social, affordable and disability support units, supported by a new Bridge Housing head office, community hub and new community facility. We are pleased to confirm Redfern Place has met a major project milestone with the development application lodged with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.
You can review the details of the planning package on the NSW Major Projects Portal here:
Development Proposal
Featuring a mix of social, affordable and disability support housing, the development will provide more homes for women and children escaping domestic violence, older women at risk of homelessness, Aboriginal households and key workers who could otherwise not be able to live within the Redfern area.
We invite you to review the detailed package available on the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s (DPHI) website. If you have any comments, suggestions or messages of support please provide a formal submission directly via DPHI’s Major Projects portal.
Once the exhibition period has concluded, Bridge Housing will consider the feedback received via the submissions and DPHI will undertake the technical assessment of the proposal. Bridge Housing are expecting a decision by DPHI within six to nine months.
Bridge Housing is proud of our vision to deliver a new precinct for Redfern, including four buildings a common basement, communal spaces and upgraded public domain around the site. The four new buildings will include:
- 147 social homes
- 197 affordable homes
- 10 disability support homes (and 1 carer’s unit)
- a new commercial office and community hub for Bridge Housing
- a large new community facility for the Redfern local community to replace the existing ageing PCYC facility.
The proposed development is well located opposite Redfern Oval and will feature architectural design consistent with the evolving look, feel and culture of the busy inner-city neighbourhood. Bridge Housing, with Capella Capital, have pulled together a diverse and high performing group of architects, including:
- Hayball as precinct executive architect and design architect for two of the four buildings
- Silvester Fuller as the design competition winning architect for one of the buildings
- Architecture AND as the designer for the community facility
- Aspect Studios as the designer of the landscape and roof terraces.
The design has also been informed by a Designing with Country process facilitated by Yerrabingin with feedback and input sought from local Aboriginal community members.
“The significance of Redfern Place as a social and affordable housing community cannot be understated. This scalable, replicable model will keep this vibrant community knitted together, enhancing lives and lessening the impact of the affordability crisis. We are honoured to lead the renewal in such a significant location and welcome the opportunity to relocate back home to Redfern. Our ability to support new social and affordable housing residents onsite will create a sustainable, culturally appropriate legacy for future Redfern.” Laurie Leigh, Chief Executive Officer, Bridge Housing.