Our Senior Management Team at Bridge Housing leads over 100 staff to deliver quality housing services. They are guided by a strong framework of governance, accountability, and transparency. 

Laurie Leigh

Laurie Leigh

Chief Executive Offier

Simone Parsons

Simone Parsons

Chief Operating Officer

David Miller

David Miller

Chief Financial Officer

Christopher Dib

Christopher Dib

Executive Director, Homes and Development

Lee Geary

Lee Geary

Executive Director, People and Culture

Laura Duesbury

Laura Duesbury

General Counsel and Company Secretary

Lindsey Gray

Lindsey Gray

Project Director, Social and Affordable Housing

Ellis Blaikie

Ellis Blaikie

Executive Director, Strategy and New Business

Anastasiya Kozak

Anastasiya Kozak

Principle and Licensee in Charge, HomeGround Real Estate Sydney

Theo Posumah

Theo Posumah

Director, Assets

Sarah Barclay

Sarah Barclay

Director, Information Systems and Transformation

Jamie Brewer

Jamie Brewer

Regional Manager, Central

Sarah Kingsbeer

Sarah Kingsbeer

Regional Manager, North

Our board, executive team, and staff show unwavering professionalism and share a common purpose

The board uses their skills to make strategic decisions that align with our mission and values. Our executive team achieves our goals promoting inclusivity, innovation, collaboration, and growth. Our hardworking staff bring our purpose to life daily, performing their roles with dedication and compassion. 

Together, we work as a united force to significantly impact our community today and create a legacy for the future. 

Stephen Bull

Stephen Bull

Chair, and Member, Investment and Development Committee

Karen Cooper

Karen Cooper

Deputy Chair, and Member, People, Innovation and Customer Committee

Graham Monk

Graham Monk

Director, Finance, Risk and Audit Committee

Jill Hannaford

Jill Hannaford

Director and Chair, People, Innovation and Customer Committee

Liz Forsyth

Liz Forsyth

Director, and Member People, Innovation and Customer Committee

Vivienne Yu

Vivienne Yu

Director, and Chair Finance Risk & Audit Committee 

Jacqui Christie

Jacqui Christie

Director, and Member Investment and Development Committee

Matthew Knight

Matthew Knight

Director and Member of the Finance, Risk and Audit Committee

Tina Tang

Tina Tang

Director, and Chair Investment and Development Committee

Always was and
always will be

Bridge Housing acknowledges that the land we live and work on always was and always will be Aboriginal land.