Laurie Leigh, Chief Executive Officer of Bridge Housing Ltd

Laurie joined Bridge Housing as CEO in August 2024. She is an established CEO and NED with a varied experience across aged care, disability, health and mental health, property development and education. She has previously successfully managed the operations and leadership of complex national and international organisations with a turnover of up to $300M, assets under management of $1.6B and a workforce of 4000. Laurie is passionate about developing high performing teams through a collaborative and engaging leadership style.

On joining Bridge, Laurie said that she has always admired the great work and innovative approach that Bridge brings to the social and affordable housing sector. She is delighted to lead the dedicated team at Bridge delivering great social and affordable housing outcomes which make a real difference in people’s lives.

Always was and
always will be

Bridge Housing acknowledges that the land we live and work on always was and always will be Aboriginal land.