Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2026 

Our third Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 2024-2026 is endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. 

Developed with the RAP Working Group, our Innovate RAP focuses on creating welcoming, safe, and suitable homes, places, and spaces for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities by:

Increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff employed at Bridge 

Providing cultural competency training

Forming partnerships with Aboriginal organisations

Representation at NAIDOC Week and Yabun Festival

Welcome to Country Protocol Policy implementation

Hosting tenant community art exhibitions

Engaging with Aboriginal suppliers through procurement

Tenants together

Read our Innovate RAP

Finding Home: Sharing the insights of our Elders

A Photographic Celebration

FINDING HOME is an evocative photographic exhibition celebrating the 2023 NAIDOC Week theme “For Our Elders”, held at Project 107 Redfern gallery.

The voices of nine Elders from the Bridge Housing community, seen through the lens of human rights photographer Belinda Mason OAM, highlight the importance of Finding Home, a poignant reminder as Australia’s housing crisis continues to grip lives and futures.

Thank you to Aunties Milly, Eunice, Jennifer, Love, Sandra, Judith and Barbara and Uncles Byron and Jack.

Resident Video: Having a Yarn with Eunice 

Watch an inspiring video featuring Gomeroi woman Eunice discussing reconciliation and the meaning of home.

Always was and
always will be

Bridge Housing acknowledges that the land we live and work on always was and always will be Aboriginal land.