Our partners share our values and are committed to our purpose.

We work in partnership with our residents, local services, government, universities and the private sector to deliver on our mission of changing lives for the better.

  • Collaboration – using diverse skills and experience to find solutions
  • Sustainability – future-proofing by considering the social, environmental and economic/organisational/business outcomes
  • Impact – using and contributing to evidence on what makes a real difference
Minister Rose Jackson

Minister for Housing and Homelessness, the Hon. Rose Jackson, with Michael Wheatley of Homes NSW and Bridge’s Simone Parsons at the launch of new “meanwhile housing” for people experiencing homelessness and victim survivors of Domestic Family Violence (2024)

Corporate and Government Partnerships

We collaborate with government, finance (particularly ethical investment institutions), and property sectors to address the housing crisis. We maximize impact and meet diverse housing needs by pooling resources and expertise.

Here’s why our corporate partnerships deliver social outcomes and more housing:

  • Resource Optimisation: Each sector partner brings unique strengths, enhancing project efficiency and social outcomes.
  • Expertise Sharing: Collaborative efforts foster innovation and best practice sharing, ensuring effective housing solutions.
  • Diverse Solutions: Partnerships tailor housing initiatives to suit the diverse needs of Sydney’s population, from people facing homelessness to low-income families and key workers.
  • Market Bridge: Collaboration bridges market gaps, providing affordable housing where traditional forces fall short.
  • Sustainability Focus: Together, we promote sustainable communities through energy efficiency and urban planning integration.

Bridge Housing works with federal, state and local council authorities to develop new and existing properties, manage government-owned tenant and asset programs, to contribute to policy debate and to pilot new housing concepts and technology.

Our partnerships drive impactful housing solutions in Sydney, fostering inclusive and sustainable communities.

Support Partners

We partner with specialist organisations working in our communities and work collaboratively to ensure our residents can access the services and programs they need to sustain their tenancy and achieve their goals. Our partnerships are as diverse as our community of residents. 

To explore partnership opportunities, reach out to our Support Coordination Team on 02 8324 0838 

Always was and
always will be

Bridge Housing acknowledges that the land we live and work on always was and always will be Aboriginal land.