Bridge Housing engaged Yerrabingin to conduct a series of Wananni Dhayar (Listen to Country) workshops with residents of Redfern, our architects and development team for the Redfern Place development.

Yerrabingin is an Aboriginal owned design studio. “At the core of our work is custodianship and care for
Country. Our expertise encompasses Designing with Country, landscape architecture and urban design.
We are recognised for our collaborative design approach, bringing together cultural knowledge and sustainable design solutions. We walk together to amplify the powerful language of Country for the betterment of our collective future.
We are guided by the inspiration of Country, the stories and knowledge a place contains and gifts us. We
acknowledge its contribution to wellbeing both mental and physical, providing a refuge and safe place to learn and share.” Yerrabingin.

The image below portrays the participants walking on country to start the first workshop in 2024.

Always was and
always will be

Bridge Housing acknowledges that the land we live and work on always was and always will be Aboriginal land.